Resource Database

evergreen clematis
Clematis vitalba L.

Clematis vitalba is a perennial, rapidly growing woody vine that can grow up to 100 ft. (30.5 m) long and completely blanket surrounding vegetation.
Leaves are compound, opposite and are usually arranged with five leaflets. Stems are woody in appearance.
Flowers are white in color and are arranged in clusters in the upper leaf axils. The blooming period occurs in summer.
Seeds have long feathery tails which ripen in fall and are easily noticeable in early winter after leaves have fallen off the trees.
Ecological Threat
Clematis vitalba is found along streams, fencelines, forest edges, and hillsides. It is native to Europe and west Asia. Be aware, Clematis vitalba is often confused with English Ivy, but in winter, Clematis vitalba looses its leaves whereas Ivy does not.

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