Resource Database

Japanese stiltgrass
Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus

Microstegium vimineum is a delicate, sprawling, annual grass that is 0.5-3.5 ft. (0.2-1.1 m) in height. The stems can root at the nodes.
The leaves are pale-green, alternate, lance-shaped, 1-3 in. (2.5-7.6 cm) long, asymmetrical with a shiny, off-center midrib. Upper and lower leaf surface is slightly pubescent. A silvery line runs down the center of the blade. Stems usually droop.
Flowering begins in September, when delicate flower stalks develop in the axils of the leaves or at the top of the stems.
Fruit is produced from late September through early October.
Ecological Threat
Most commonly a invader of forested floodplains, Microstegium vimineum is also found in ditches, forest edges, fields, and trails. It is very shade tolerant and can completely displace native vegetation. It is native to Asia and was accidentally introduced into North America sometime around 1920. It has previously been used as packing material for porcelain, possibly explaining its accidental introduction.

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