Resource Database

common periwinkle
Vinca minor L.

Vinca minor is a vine-like erect or trailing groundcover; mostly evergreen; stems slender.
Leaves are opposite, dark green, glossy, oval to lance-shaped, thick-textured; may be variegated.
Flowers are blue, lavender or white, about 1 in. (2.5 cm) across, five petals blunt at tip, arranged in spiral; blooms in springtime.
No fruits or seeds typically. Spreads vegetatively through rhizomes.
Ecological Threat
Vinca minor has escaped cultivation and is invading natural areas throughout the eastern U.S. It inhabits open to shady sites including forests and often escapes from old homesites. Vinca minor grows vigorously and forms dense and extensive mats along the forest floor, displacing native herbaceous and woody plant species. Vinca minor was first introduced into North America in the 1700s as an ornamental. It is still commonly sold as an ornamental ground cover.

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