Resource Database

Resource Number: 14595
Title: Capacity of United States federal government and its partners to rapidly and accurately report the identity (taxonomy) of non-native organisms intercepted in early detection programs
Description: Invasive Species Early Detection Rapid Response (edrr) depends on accurate and rapid identifications. National U.S. edrr implementation requires an integrated identification system with a sustainable taxonomic resource, comprising expertise, identification tools, collections, laboratories and databases - operating across and between federal and State agencies. Process chains between interception and suitable level of diagnostic expertise need to be rapid, simple and well-understood. Taxonomic expertise is being lost and needs to be revived, to ensure timely authoritative identifications for difficult species and revisionary work targeted at priority problem groups. Citizen science needs to be strengthened and appropriate identification tools and management systems developed. Coverage of dna barcode libraries and other molecular resources needs to increase. An integrated database of all U.S. biota and known invasive species needs completion.
Last Updated: June 20, 2019

1 Version(s)