Cover Crops for Soil Moisture in Soybeans
Water is the biggest factor in soybean yields—but most U.S. soybeans grow without irrigation. Could cover crops help balance soil moisture and boost production? Dr. Daniela Carrijo from Pennsylvania State University discusses how cover crops can aid in soil moisture goals

Home Pecan Diseases and Control
There are a number of important disease problems that can affect both the shade value and the nut crop of pecan trees. Pecan scab, caused by the fungus Venturia effusa (syn. Cladosporium caryigenum), is the most widespread and destructive disease of pecans. Even though scab can occur on leaves and ...

Hypoxylon Canker of Hardwood Shade Trees
Hypoxylon canker is a common disease of oaks that can affect several species of shade trees. These fungi take advantage of stressed or declining hardwood trees. Infected trees can be in various habitats, including recent or well-established residential areas and forest trees. The canker areas often become quite obvious after ...

Branch Canker and Dieback of Leyland Cypress
This disease may be actually caused by two fungi, Seiridium unicorne or Botryosphaeria dothidea. Seiridium canker is perhaps the most significant and damaging disease on Leyland cypress. Botryosphaeria canker produces symptoms similar to Seiridium canker. Both disease organisms attack plants that are stressed by environmental factors, such as wounds, drought ...

Gray Leaf Spot of St. Augustinegrass
It is a seasonal disease problem that becomes noticeable during hot and steamy weather. The fungus kills turf plants by causing severe blighting and defoliation of the leaves. It has not been shown to infect the roots of turfgrasses. Gray leaf spot tends to be more problematic on intensively managed ...

Webinar: Pre-Season Maturity Group, Planting Date, and Biological Seed Treatment Choices in Soybean
This webinar covers some of the “Pre-Season Maturity Group, Planting Date, and Biological Seed Treatment Choices” a soybean producer may make. It is the first webinar in a three part series covering full season soybean management