Resource Database

Resource Number: 17181
Title: Hoptree / Wafer-Ash — Ptelea trifoliata: The Flat Citrus
Description: On moist rocky toe-slopes and well-drained gravel bars, hidden among shrubs and young trees, grows a citrus family tree. This citrus tree is the most northern growing of its family in North America, surviving in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Instead of a plump juicy fruit, it bears a fruit which appears as a small thin papery pancake. Its natural plant oils give the entire tree a lemony kerosine smell. It contains a number of special alkaloids utilized historically for herbal medicines. People notice this unique tree when they hike into its moist, well-drained haunts and spy clusters of fruit disks. This is the hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata).
Last Updated: January 11, 2024

3 Version(s)