Resource Database

Resource Number: 17240
Title: Loblolly Pine Health in the Southeastern U.S.
Description: This paper provides an outline of the major abiotic and biotic factors affecting southern pine health especially loblolly pine; diagnostic of some of these factors, and management recommendations for maintaining pine health in the region. Abiotic factors discussed include land-use history, management, and weather conditions. Biotic factors discussed include bark and woodboring beetles, and two species of root pathogens. The paper also includes a brief description of signs/symptoms of various biotic factors, and ways to manage forests to reduce the impact by insects and diseases. Further information about southern pine decline is also presented along with a recent synopsis of the issue. We intend to target foresters and land-owners dealing with such pine health issues in the southeastern region.
Last Updated: May 12, 2021

1 Version(s)

Available: Yes
Current: Yes