Resource Database

Resource Number: 17244
Title: How Artisans and Woodworkers can Prevent the Spread of Invasive Forest Insects and Diseases
Description: The subject of firewood as implicated in the movement of invasive forest insects and disease has been well-publicized in the media over the past decade, but not much attention has been paid to another significant source of wood movement? that which is moved by woodturners, furniture makers and other artisans. With the utilization of raw urban timber and reclaimed (salvaged) wood becoming popular- arising from the desire to recover costs from removing infested trees in urban areas, as well as from a sense of preservation, sustainability (“upcycling”) or nostalgia- it is important to educate this population about how to safely move raw wood. Specifically, this movement of green wood has led to outbreaks of laurel wilt and thousand cankers disease, which have been traced back to woodworking and veneer industries.1 The purpose of this fact sheet is to alert woodworkers to these risks and provide a set of Best Management Practices that will help support the future of their craft.
Last Updated: October 15, 2019

1 Version(s)

Available: Yes
Current: Yes