Resource Database

Resource Number: 46332
Title: Excellence in Extension
Resource Type: Fact sheet

This document defines excellence for Extension appointed faculty, or otherwise defined as faculty within campus departments that have a partial appointment in Extension. The purpose of the criteria in this document is to provide guidance on the responsibilities to the Extension mission for hiring, mentoring, professional development and planning, promotion and tenure decisions, and post-tenure evaluation of these faculty. The priorities and specific goals of your program should be appropriate for the stakeholders that your program seeks to serve, to the department in which you are a faculty member, and be in alignment with the mission, vision, and values of your  College. This document is simply a tool to help mentor and guide pre- and post-tenured faculty that contribute to our Science for Success team. Expectations for the percentage of the appointment funded by other means should align with other policies, including your institutional teaching load policy.

Last Updated: December 11, 2024

1 Version(s)

Available: Yes
Current: Yes