Climate-Smart Forestry in Georgia
In this paper, we aim to explore the practical opportunities and implications of Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF) as a strategy for enhancing carbon offset initiatives, particularly in forested landscapes susceptible to climate change impacts. Our objectives include discussing how landowners can engage in CSF practices and programs, identifying eligible management practices ...

Low soybean plant population: Is replanting necessary?
The objectives of this management guide are to (a) address the necessary considerations prior to replanting a soybean field; (b) provide images depicting common early season stressors affecting soybean; and (c) explain the potential yield limitations from early season soybean injuries

Early Soybean Planting: Benefits and Risks
Improved crop management practices and genetics, coupled with a changing environment have led some farmers to shift their soybean planting dates earlier than the traditionally recommended planting dates. While planting time varies by geographic region in the US, most soybean farmers can do early planting without compromising yield potential by ...

Planting Soybeans Early
Improved crop management practices and genetics, coupled with a changing environment have led some farmers to shift their soybean planting dates earlier than the traditionally recommended planting dates. While planting time varies by geographic region in the US, most soybean farmers can do early planting without compromising yield potential by ...

Natural Enemy Field Guide
Natural Enemies are beneficial organisms that provide biological control, or natural pest control. Many natural enemies are insects. This guide illustrates common natural enemies found in agricultural crops and home gardens. In addition to photos, we indicate key characters to identify each natural enemy.